Portraits inspired by Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, portraits of immigrants to represent the main spiritual cultures of the planet.
"Something was badly amiss with the spiritual life of the planet, thought Gibreel Farishta. Too many demons inside people claiming to believe in God."
"'We are here to change things. I concede at once that we shall ourselves be changed; African, Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani,
Bangladeshi, Cypriot,...
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Portraits inspired by Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, portraits of immigrants to represent the main spiritual cultures of the planet.
"Something was badly amiss with the spiritual life of the planet, thought Gibreel Farishta. Too many demons inside people claiming to believe in God."
"'We are here to change things. I concede at once that we shall ourselves be changed; African, Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani,
Bangladeshi, Cypriot, Chinese, we are other than what we would have been if we had not crossed the oceans, if our mothers and fathers had not crossed the skies in search of work and dignity and a better life for their children.
We have been made again: but I say that we shall also be the ones to remake this society, to shape it from the bottom to the top. We shall be the hewers of the dead wood and the gardeners of the new. It is our turn now." Salman Rushdie 1988
Ritratti ispirati a I Versi Satanici di Salman Rushdie, ritratti di immigrati a rappresentare le principali culture spirituali del pianeta.
"C'era davvero qualcosa di sbagliato nella vita spirituale del pianeta, pensò Gibreel Farisha. Troppi demoni all'interno di persone che affermavano di credere in Dio"
"Noi siamo qui per cambiare le cose. Ammetto che dovremo cambiare anche noi: africani, caribi, indiani, pakistani, ciprioti, cinesi, siamo diversi da ciò che saremmo stati se non avessimo attraversato gli oceani (...) Noi siamo stati rifatti: ma io vi dico che saremo ancora noi a rifare questa società, a riplasmarla da cima a fondo. Saremo i tagliaboschi degli alberi morti, e i giardinieri del nuovo" Salman Rushdie 1988
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