"Variante Indiana" wants to point a finger at the effects of how social distancing has influenced our way of relating to one another. It aims to imagine how people feel about social distancing in their different activities while they meet, work, play, and live together.
The pictures were taken in Auroville, an international town set up in 1968 in southern India, inspired by the ideas of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. “The purpose of Auroville is to realise human...
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"Variante Indiana" wants to point a finger at the effects of how social distancing has influenced our way of relating to one another. It aims to imagine how people feel about social distancing in their different activities while they meet, work, play, and live together.
The pictures were taken in Auroville, an international town set up in 1968 in southern India, inspired by the ideas of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. “The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity” (Mirra Alfassa, 1967).
Auroville is today a community of 3500 residents, who went to live there from more than 100 different countries.
Social distancing creates empty gaps in the fabric of humanity, and forces people to separate, withholding the feeling of unity. All around the world, as well as in Auroville, we have to find a way to overcome this and restart a new way of social proximity.
Uffici chiusi, fabbriche chiuse, palestre chiuse. Chiuse le scuole, i bar, i cinema, le biblioteche e i negozi. I più ricchi nei loro begli appartamenti con Netfix e il frigo pieno. I meno ricchi ad accumulare debiti e angosce. Vietati i meeting, i concerti, gli spostamenti. Unica risorsa per passare il tempo la rete, a riempirsi gli occhi di fake news e a guardarsi l’un l’altro a fare gli splendidi.
L’umanità è andata in crisi. Il laboratorio umano in pausa. Ibernati in un tempo indefinito nel quale non ci è più permesso confrontarci, discutere, scambiarci culture e visioni, crescere, vivere fianco a fianco per procedere e progredire. Cristallizzati nel nostro percorso evolutivo.
Vietato il movimento, vietato riunirsi, vietato il contatto. Soli con le nostre esperienze interrotte, ad aspettare di poter riprendere il cammino che ogni giorno ci permetta di aggiungere un centimetro alla distanza infinita che ci separa da un futuro mondo illuminato.
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